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PAK UK Trade Forum Ltd is an active company incorporated on 11 September 2023 primarily based in Bradford UK. PUTF offers networking opportunities with visiting ministers, senior bureaucrats and business professionals from Pakistan and UAE, whereas its members are successful entrepreneurs in their own capacity.

The purpose of establishment of Pak-UK Trade Forum is to significantly increase the volume of trade between Pakistan and the United Kingdom and to allow businessmen, industrialists and investors of both countries to benefit from each other’s experiences for business promotion and to promote mutual trade relations.

One of the prime objectives of Pak UK Business Forum is to find new avenues of trade & investment by collaborating with Small & Medium Enterprises
1. Start-ups
2. Women Entrepreneurships Coordination
3. Promoting achievements of bilateral Business Trade and Commerce

In order to achieve the objectives, the following activities will be organized on regular basis.
1. Conducting webinars in Pakistan and UK
2. Business Round Tables Conferences
3. Conducting Expo Conferences
4. Exchange of Delegation Visits
5. Effective coordination between Trade Bodies.